New! Neuroscience Bulletin Latest Impact Factor Reached 4.326!
This is a big step forward in terms of journal development – the journal has been staying with the momentum while keeping the publication number increasing steadily.
NB aims to publish research advances in the field of neuroscience and promote the exchange of scientific ideas within the community. The journal publishes original papers on topics in neuroscience and focuses on the implications for diseases of the nervous system. NB welcomes research contributions on molecular, cellular, or developmental neuroscience using multidisciplinary approaches and functional strategies.
The Editorial Board of NB was organized by the Editor-in-Chief, Prof. Shumin Duan, the academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences and the president of Department of Medicine, Zhejiang University and Prof. Ru-Rong Ji, from Duke University, USA as the Co-Editor-in-Chief. The Editorial Board has 113 members, 20 Associate Editors, of whom about half are distinguished neuroscientists from abroad, ensuring that the journal maintains high scientific standards and has a broad international coverage. Besides, a native English-speaking neuroscientist, Prof. Iain C. Bruce, serves as a full-time Executive Associate Editor.