Neuroscience Bulletin has joined in Neuroscience Peer Review Consortium

 To reduce the time and effort involved in the peer review of original neuroscience research reports, Neuroscience Bulletin has just signed an agreement with International Neuroinformatics Coordinating Facility (INCF) to join in Neuroscience Peer Review Consortium (NPRC) as a member journal.

NPRC is a cross-publisher alliance of neuroscience journals that share manuscript reviews with other NPRC members at the author’s request. To date, up to open to 60 world-renowned neuroscience journals, such as Nature Neuroscience, Journal of Neuroscience, Neuropharmacology, Glia etc. have joined in NPRC (

The NPRC permits authors whose papers are not accepted by one journal in the consortium and wish to submit their manuscripts to a second participating journal to request the previous set of reviews be forwarded ( The NPRC journals would benefit by reducing the workload on reviewers, thus making it easier to find new reviewers when necessary.


(Editorial Office of Neuroscience Bulletin)