Rapid Publication Track


Manuscripts that meet the following criteria can be submitted through ‘Rapid Publication Track’ in Neuroscience Bulletin (NB).

‘Rapid Publication Track’ allows urgent and competitive research to start the peer-review immediately after submission. Peer-reviewing of papers on the ‘Rapid Publication Track’ can be completed within 1-2 weeks.


NB welcomes the following types of submissions and will consider the rapid publication potentials. Please send the pre-submission inquiry to the editorial office (nsb@sibs.ac.cn) before submitting your paper to the ‘Rapid Publication Track’.

  • Manuscript just rejected from well-known journals (i.e., Science, Nature series, Cell series, PNAS, J Neurosci, Brain etc.).

  • Manuscripts withdrawing from the revision process of other prestigious journals in the field of neuroscience (i.e., J. Neurosci., Mol Neurobiol., Gila etc).

  • Manuscripts describing the breakthroughs and competitive researches, strongly recommended by at least one world-recognized experts.

To save the time for manuscript handling and reviewer invitation, the pre-submission inquiry MUST contain: the manuscript accompanied by last reviewer’s comments from other journals, point-to-point responses to these comments, or the recommendation letter.

When approved for ‘Rapid Publication Track’, manuscripts previously considered by other journals can be uploaded to our online submission system (https://mc03.manuscriptcentral.com/nsb). Reformatting will be required after the paper is accepted for publication.