Brain White Matter Changes in Non-demented Individuals with Color Discrimination Deficits and Their Association with Cognitive Impairment: A NODDI Study
Jiejun Zhang1,2,3,5,6,7,8 · Peilin Huang1,5,6,7,8 · Lin Lin1,9 · Yingzhe Cheng1,5,6,7,8 · Weipin Weng1,5,6,7,8 · Jiahao Zheng1,5,6,7,8 · Yixin Sun1,5,6,7,8 · Shaofan Jiang4 · Xiaodong Pan1,5,6,7,81 Department of Neurology, Center for Cognitive Neurology, Fujian Medical University Union Hospital, Fuzhou 350001, China
2 Geriatric Medical Center, Hainan General Hospital, Haikou 570311, China
3 Geriatric Medical Center, Hainan Medical University Hainan Hospital, Haikou 570311, China
4 Department of Radiology, Fujian Medical University Union Hospital, Fuzhou 350001, China
5 Fujian Institute of Geriatrics, Fujian Medical University Union Hospital, Fuzhou 350001, China
6 Institute of Clinical Neurology, Fujian Medical University, Fuzhou 350001, China
7 Fujian Key Laboratory of Molecular Neurology and Institute of Neuroscience, Fujian Medical University, Fuzhou 350001, China
8 Clinical Research Center for Precision Diagnosis and Treatment of Neurological Diseases of Fujian Province, Fuzhou 350001, China
9 Department of Neurology, The Second Afliated Hospital of Fujian Medical University, Quanzhou 362000, China
Previous studies have found associations between color discrimination deficits and cognitive impairments besides aging. However, investigations into the microstructural pathology of brain white matter (WM) associated with these deficits remain limited. This study aimed to examine the microstructural characteristics of WM in the non-demented population with abnormal color discrimination, utilizing Neurite Orientation Dispersion and Density Imaging (NODDI), and to explore their correlations with cognitive functions and cognition-related plasma biomarkers. The tract-based spatial statistic analysis revealed significant differences in specific brain regions between the abnormal color discrimination group and the healthy controls, characterized by increased isotropic volume fraction and decreased neurite density index and orientation dispersion index. Further analysis of region-of-interest parameters revealed that the isotropic volume fraction in the bilateral anterior thalamic radiation, superior longitudinal fasciculus, cingulum, and forceps minor was significantly correlated with poorer performance on neuropsychological assessments and to varying degrees various cognition-related plasma biomarkers. These findings provide neuroimaging evidence that WM microstructural abnormalities in non-demented individuals with abnormal color discrimination are associated with cognitive dysfunction, potentially serving as early markers for cognitive decline.
NODDI; Color discrimination; Cognition; White matter microstructure; Non-demented population